The Spoken Word with MGW
Poetry, reflections, chats and prayers as led by the holy spirit.
Podcasting since 2021 • 103 episodes
The Spoken Word with MGW
Latest Episodes
Trust the Sovereign God to Finish Stronger S11:E7
How can I finish this year well and be prepared for next year? Trust God enough to praise and rejoice regardless of the circumstances around. Just look at one of the gracious result of praising God in lack and difficulties. Ha...
Season 11
Episode 7

It's Your Winning Season- Prayer- S11:E6
A prayer release for those who believe that their seasons are shifting! There is a winning season shift! From the seed comes the harvest... “ As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night wi...
Season 11
Episode 6

What One Thing Are You Lacking? S11:E5
Jesus encounters a rich man who wanted eternal life but he was not willing to part with his riches. This revealed his true heart's desire. This is not saying that we must be poor to follow Jesus but we must have an undivided heart to fol...
Season 11
Episode 5

Trust and Obey- S11:E4
A man who was sick for 38 years received his healing after following the instructions of the Lord. He expected to be placed into the stirred water but the living water met him instead and told him what to do.John 5:8 (TPT) Jesus said to him...
Season 11
Episode 4

Help Our Unbelief/Doubt/Lack of Trust- S11:E3
Prayer:Lord we humbly come to you this hour acknowledging your sovereignty, omnipotence, omnipresence, and omniscience. We thank you for your grace and mercies that have made it possible for us to come yet again. We are at ...
Season 11
Episode 3

Fan Mail
I was challenged and blessed, blessings to you WOG
Kingston, JM